Monday, May 11, 2015

Brooklyn Bomba: United For Sam (A Benefit) - Friday May 15, 2015

United for Sammy
A Fundraiser for our Padrino Samuel Colon Sanchez 

FRIDAY MAY 15TH, 2015 :: 6 PM- 10 PM 
Trinity Lutheran Church in Sunset Park / 

$10 (all proceeds will go directly to Sammy and Nancy) 


About Sam:

In December 2014 Samuel Sanchez suffered a devastating stroke. He is currently at Hopkins Center for Rehabilitation receiving physical, speech and occupational therapy. Sam is a Brooklyn native and has been involved in community empowerment efforts all his life through the Puerto Rican Freedom Movement, the
struggle for police accountability in NYC, teaching his Prolific Peace curriculum to young people in East Harlem and now Brooklyn, and his social justice ministry as a Deacon in the Presbyterian Church. Sam has always been a frontline brother. He has always preferred to do the direct work and exercise a form of servant leadership that we all admire. He has been a mentor, teacher, strong rock, and constant friend to generations of Latino and Black activists. Many call him Padrino.

Sam and his wife, Nancy Nevarez, now need our help. Sam cannot work since the stroke has left him immobile. We are asking people to come to a fundraiser on May 15th
and give as generously as you can. Sam has always stood by us. It is time for all of us to give generously to this great brother. Sam has always taught us that "Unity in the community comes from shared concrete needs." We now know what he needs from us and how we can build unity by sharing our economic resources and prayers for Sam and to help Nancy. Please come to this fundraiser and repost this invite on your various social media platforms. Let's do this people! Sam needs us and we must respond. Thank you so much for your support and continued prayers and thoughts for Sam's restoration to full health.

From Nancy:

My hope is that Sam will be able to recover as much as possible. He is in the fight for his life. I know many, many people have him in prayer and I ask that you continue to pray for his healing and recovery. I would rather work three jobs than ask for money, that is who I am and you know Sam is the same way however, I have come to realize through this hardened journey that I cannot do this alone. I can only go through this with the angels that God has sent by my side. I thank those who have sat with me in the hospital, who have made sure I eat and have walked me home. Frankly, your monetary donations will help keep a home that Sam can return to.

Thank you for being the foot prints that have carried Sam and me through the darkness into the light. Amen.

~ Nancy Nevarez ~

Music Provided By:

~ DJ Xen Medina

Performances By:

~ Anthony Morales

~ David Lopez

~ Milteri Tucker and Bombazo Dance Company

~ Rokafella

~ Storm

~ Taina Santiago

~ The Welfare Poets

~ Veronica Verdad


R trains to 45th Street & 4th Avenues (about 1/2 a block walk)


B37 to 3rd Avenue & 45th Streets
B63 to 5th Avenue & 45th Streets


Trinity Lutheran Church
411 4th Avenue (btwn. 45th & 46th Streets)
Sunset Park, Brooklyn 11220

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