La Máquina Insular @ The Loisaida Center located at 710 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10009
$5 Admission (on-line)
$7 Admission at the Door
Date and Time: Monday March 2, 2015 at 7:30pm
La Máquina Insular runs with a powerful force. An army of four pleneros playing traditional and original plenas with the traditional instrumentation; panderetas (handheld frame drums), güiro (scrape gourd), and even forgotten instruments such as the tumbandero (wash tub bass) and the marímbola (plucked box bass part of the lamellophone family). Directed by Tito Matos, master plenero and virtuoso of the requinto, high pitched pandereta which improvises/solos over the rhythmic base of the plena, La Máquina Insular dominates the Afro-Boricua (Afro-Puerto Rican) musicalgenres masterfully and effortlessly. Their presentation guarantees a festive atmosphere which will transport the audience to the street corners of the emblematic barrios of the plena.
The Concert will be followed by a Q&A discussion.
La Máquina Insular corre con fuerza poderosa. Un ejército de cuatro pleneros tocan plenas tradicionales y originales con la instrumentación tradicional; panderetas, güiro, y hasta instrumentos olvidados como el tumbandero (bajo de palangana) & la marímbola. Dirigidos por Tito Matos, maestro plenero y virtuoso del requinto, pandereta de afinación aguda que improvisa sobre la base rítmica de la plena, La Máquina Insular domina los géneros musicales Afro-Boricuas con maestría y sin esfuerzo aparente. Su presentación garantiza una atmosfera de fiesta que llevará a la audiencia a las esquinas de los barrios emblemáticos de la plena.
Al culminar el concierto habrá un conservatorio sobre la plena.
Part of the Loisaida Center's #PLENATORIUM series.
The PLENATORIOUM is a project initiative of the Loisaida Center focused on the nurture and documentation of the practice of Puerto Rican plena.
The first part of the title PLENATORIUM clearly comes from the aforementioned plena, and the second is the Latin suffix, -orium, which means “a place for” (a place or instrument for performing the action of the main element; a place used for something; a place for a particular function). In this way the title denotes and indicates “a place for plena” and refers to the use of the space and facilities at the Loisaida Center for plena-centric activity. The PLENATORIOUM therefore stems from and describes the basic idea of dedicating available time and space at the Loisaida Center to the hosting, presentation and documentation of such activities as plena forums, workshops, performances, and any other forms of sociocultural participation.
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